Advanced Vocal Mixing Techniques

When it comes to making a great record, vocals are one of the most important things to get right. They are what the listener is drawn to and convey the emotion & message of the song like no other instrument.

This video shows you advanced vocal mixing techniques achieve a full, gritty and up-front vocal sound.

If you listen to this vocal mix, you would probably think it was mixed using a lot of great analogue hardware. It has that certain character, fullness and top end sheen that we are used to hearing from analogue devices.
But it actually wasn’t! I mixed this vocal mainly in the box and I’m going to show you the some advanced processing you can use to make your vocals cut through the mix and grab your listeners emotionally.

Techniques covered in this tutorial:

  • Creating fullness with with “Octave Trick”
  • Parallel Distortion for grit and character
  • The “Whisper Track” to enhance intimacy 
  • Compressing and EQing in stages. 
  • Vocal Effects & Automation: Reverb and Delays


Watch the video below to learn more Advanced Vocal Mixing Techniques!

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