AmplitTube Brian May Collection by IK Multimedia | Demo

AmpliTube Brian May demo-1

We’re going to have a lot of fun in today’s episode.
I’ve received over a hundred emails and messages asking me to do a review of this product.

I’m holding onto my Brian May guitar, why am I holding this? Well Because I’m plugged into the Axe I/O, I’ve got AmpliTube up and we have the AmpliTube Brian May by IK Multimedia. It’s amazing, you’re going to hear me play through it and mess around with it in the video below.

There are 3 amps in here the BM 30 which of course is the AC 30, the famous DC Amp that was powered by a battery and when the power in the battery goes down the sound changes.

I’m going to try out Amplitube Brian May collection with a Paul Reed Smith guitar as well.
This is Fantastic, they have stompboxes, with the Star Gate, and an incredible selection you can use to get the Brian May sounds and the treble boost. – This is wonderful stuff.

See more: AmpliTube 5 Review

I watched the IK video on this and it looks like they modeled everything which got me excited.

I can see myself going to this and using it all the time just to get creative different sounds.

The fact that each one of these is so unique it is like moving between the vintage 30 and vintage 25 slightly off axes by 3mm. – These are massively different tones, very sculptured Brian May kind of tones.

The thing is you don’t have to play Brian May rifts. – it’s very Inspiring

Watch the full AmpliTube Brian May by IK Multimedia demo:

There are so many great things here, I didn’t even know there was all this stomp stuff in here. – This is just great and shows Brians creativity.

Thank you so much IK Multimedia for going through and spending so much time on this.

I wish I knew how to play all the queen songs that I love. Actually, I wish I knew how to play all of their songs.  – haha

I was always a little intimidated as a kid to learn everything that Brian did because I’ve always held his talent at such high regard. Having said that, I should probably learn some more of their stuff. We could’ve gone through and played a lot more than just the 4 or 5 rifts that I know right now.

The point is the sounds are beautifully sculpted. The harmony ones were totally surprising and then once I figured out that they’re key dependant I’m sure they could be manufactured and changed.

There is just a lot of exciting stuff here, they have gone out of their way to create great sounds. I know there are many other guitar players out there with many different amp settings, cab and mic positions. This is beyond that for me because it has so many varied sounds, Brian is so famous for sculpting these amazing sounds.

This is a really good tool, once again this is not your good old fashion change your few amps up stamp someone body’s name on it and do some impulse responses. – This is a much bigger deal.

Thank you ever so much IK Multimedia, Amplitube, and of course the wonderful Brian May for giving us access to all of these incredible sounds.

I’m very excited, I’m going to use these in productions because it makes my life so much easier. For the harmony stuff to go in there and get individual guitar sounds that sound so different and just move from one thing to another. – You’ll start hearing this in my work.

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