Did modern music ruin feel & vibe? | FAQ Friday

FAQ Friday is our weekly episode where I answer your most frequently asked questions! How do you get your question answered? Leave thought provoking, conversation starting questions or comments on the videos! If you’ve been wondering about something, ask away!

Another great question!
Modern music is also heavily reliant on a click track & that would rob some of the vibe & feel that the old sixties & seventies music had. What’s your thoughts on that Warren?

The reality is that we live in this incredible world and there are so many wonderful genres from EDM, to Heavy Metal, to Modern Pop, to Folk, to Hip Hop, to Singer/Songwriter.

Pop music definitely revolves around heavily gridded, heavily tuned, heavily timed music, whereas a singer/songwriter can be fully organic with an acoustic guitar and a vocal, and recorded using only 1 mic!

Those are the two opposites, and then there’s everything in between.

Some Metal is super gridded, tuned, and timed, other heavy bands don’t play with clicks, use samples, or get tuned!

There is no right or wrong way of doing things. Sometimes it feels like it should be, or needs to be, super super tight, other times it feels like you should be tracking with no click.

My feeling on this matter is; learn all the different techniques and then apply the technique that feels right for the song!

If you take a look at the live stream we did yesterday, you can see that it wasn’t recorded to a click, and it’s not gridded! I actually created a tempo map based from the drummer!

During this episode of FAQ Friday I answer the following questions:
• Can you let me know what small console you use to record drums through?
• All time favorite drum mic Warren?
• Modern music is also heavily reliant on a click track & that would rob some of the vibe & feel that the old sixties & seventies music had. What’s your thoughts on that Warren?
• Question about drum panning: do you like to do player’s perspective or audience’s?
• Is it a bad idea to add plugins on your master fader ?
• What are your thoughts on vinyl emulation?

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