EVE Audio Tour & Interview with Founder/CEO Roland Stenz

EVE Audio Tour-1

Hello everyone, we have another exciting video for you today!

We’re back in Berlin with Roland Stenz, the founder and CEO of an incredible monitor company, EVE Audio!

We had a chance to tour the amazing facility where their monitors are designed, assembled, and distributed.

About EVE Audio

EVE Audio is a relatively young company, having started in May 2011. EVE is an owner-operated manufacturer of top-of-the-line studio monitors. 

Roland Stenz started his career in the mid-80s when he worked in Research and Development for what was East Germany’s largest supplier/developer of components used in TV and broadcast.

After the German reunification, Stenz worked briefly for a Berlin-based hi-fi company before pursuing advanced electronic studies. In 1999 he became founder, shareholder, and CEO of ADAM Audio.

He left ADAM in 2010 and began developing an entirely new range of monitors which would become EVE.

EVE SC205. A 5″ nearfield monitor.

The entire EVE Audio line of studio monitors have Air Motion Transformer technology, which means wider front slots for a more transparent sound, precision tweeters, and new diaphragm material for the absolute lowest distortion levels.

EVE Audio’s headquarters are based in an area called “Media City,” which hosts a handful of different media companies and broadcast studios. The complex served as the former home of the East German broadcaster “Fernsehen der DDR” when Germany was still divided.

The EVE facility features a 2000+ sq. meter production hall, as well as large office and showroom areas.

EVE’s in-house lab has its own anechoic chamber and reverberation room!

EVE has grown very quickly in such a short period of time.

Roland Stenz and his team have started with nothing, and gone on to manufacture a complete line of pro studio monitors which are distributed in 60 countries. The complete range of active studio monitors caters to a diverse range of rooms, needs, tastes, and budgets.

EVE Audio has already made a strong impression by producing innovative, high-quality active monitors, and will continue to cater to engineers who desire a flatter, more transparent reproduction of audio material.

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