Get Massive Drum Sounds at Home with Blair Sinta!

Get Massive Drum Sounds at Home with Blair Sinta!

Hello Everybody,

Hope you’re doing marvellously well!

I couldn’t be more thrilled to tell you about an incredible course at Pro Mix Academy:Home Studio Drum Recording” with the phenomenal Blair Sinta (a good personal friend of mine as well)!

If you’ve ever struggled to capture powerful drum recordings in a small home studio, then this is the course for you. Trust me, the knowledge and techniques Blair shares will revolutionize your approach to drum recording!

In today’s video you’ll get a small taste of the types of sounds (and corresponding techniques) you’ll be able to dial in for that elusive drum sound you so desire.

We all know that recording drums in a home studio presents unique challenges. You have to select the right kit, ensure proper tuning, explore various micing options, and capture an outstanding performance – all while battling unpleasant room resonances, limited equipment, and a lifeless room sound. It can feel overwhelming, but I’m here to tell you that achieving big drum sounds in your home studio is absolutely possible. That’s exactly why we’ve created this tutorial.

Blair Sinta is one of L.A.’s most in-demand touring and session drummers, and he brings a wealth of experience to this course. With two decades of recording and touring with world-class acts like Alanis Morissette, James Blunt, Josh Groban, and Melissa Etheridge, Blair knows drum recording inside and out. His major break came in 2001 when he joined Alanis Morissette on tour, recording albums such as “So Called Chaos,” “Jagged Little Pill Acoustic,” and “Flavors of Entanglement.” From there, he worked with acclaimed producer Glen Ballard, recording with artists like Annie Lennox, Idina Menzel, Stevie Nicks, and many more.

In this course, Blair breaks down his top techniques for overcoming the challenges of home studio drum recording. You’ll learn how to deal with room acoustics, select and place mics effectively, and create dynamic drum sounds that pop. Blair’s real-world experience and practical advice make this course invaluable for anyone serious about drum recording. Plus, Blair’s enthusiasm and expertise make learning from him an absolute joy.

Watch the video for a preview.

Blair’s credentials as a working musician are truly impressive. Beyond his work with Alanis Morissette and Glen Ballard, he has recorded and/or toured with an array of incredible artists including Damien Rice, Chris Cornell, Gwen Stefani, Brandi Carlisle, John Fogerty, Dave Stewart, Melissa Etheridge, Better Than Ezra, Five For Fighting, James Blunt, Matisyahu, Louis Tomlinson (One Direction), Anastasia, and many others. His insights into drum recording come from years of working at the highest level, and now you have the chance to learn directly from him.

So, what are you waiting for?

Dive into “Home Studio Drum Recording” with Blair Sinta on Pro Mix Academy and transform your home studio drum recordings – currently available for only $57!

Your journey to capturing those massive, studio-quality drum sounds starts here!

Thanks for reading and watching and, as ever, have a marvellous time, recording, mixing, and mastering.



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