What Does Gluing Your Mix Together Mean? FAQ Friday

What Does Gluing Your Mix Together Mean?

You’ll hear the term “glue” thrown around a lot in discussions about modern music mixing. Generally, it’s used to describe a type of processing that is usually applied to the master buss or sub-groups that helps the individual elements sound as if they exist within the same sonic context.

Gluing your mixes is essentially taking the ‘pointy’ transients, and folding them back into your mix so it sounds unified.

All of the extra equipment you use in mixes that add to the song, those are the things that ‘glue’ your mixes.

For example, when you have a sound that has a lot of saturation around it, when you blend another sound in there, when you add compression, what it does is it takes the transients and folds them back in. These elements are what glue mixes together.

You don’t have to use saturation or compression plugins, it’s just about all of the elements together in the big picture working together to unify a song.

Watch the video below to learn more about ‘Gluing’ mixes and hear the answers to your other FAQ Friday questions!

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