Home Studio Tour with Ulrich Wild

Hi Friends,

In todays Podcast legendary heavy rock producer and mixer Ulrich Wild walks us through his home studio setup and explains his approach to producing music.

This is an amazing episode for all of you home-studio owners who are trying to make great records on affordable equipment:

In the interview, Ulrich tells us how he came up as a guitarist in a small Metal band in Switzerland with no hope of ever making a career in music. – Boy was he wrong!

Over the course of his career he went on to work with hugely successful bands like Breaking Benjamin, Deftones, White Zombie, Dethklok, Pantera, Otep, Seether, Incubus and others. For many years, he worked in major label environments, big studios and big budgets.

As the music industry changed and budgets decreased, Ulrich decided to go back to producing and mixing in his home studio again. He uses affordable equipment, which is available to most home-studio owners out there: Yamaha HS 5s, Rokit 5s, mixing mainly in the box with Logic X. – And he still makes amazing records!

It´s not the price tag on gear that tells you if you should use it or not.” – Ulrich Wild.

We´re talking about his setup, making music translate well across different playback systems, consoles vs. mixing in the box, Ulrich´s favourite guitar recording chains, creating space and making vocals cut through heavy rock mixes, and a lot more.

This interview is an inspiration and great example for every producers trying to make themselves heard and produce amazing music in todays era of music.

The feedback we´ve gotten for this episode has been amazing:

“You’re basically asking questions I’ve always had and also asking questions I never even knew to ask. There’s so many nuggets of wisdom in this one video alone it’s ridiculous.

“Gear doesn’t make the mixer/engineer. This was very refreshing!”

“Wow !! Gear like wot I have got.”

Want to learn more about Ulrich´s approach to mixing heavy Rock?

Check out his course “Mixing Rock with Ulrich Wild” over at Pro Mix Academy.
To celebrate today´s podcast episode, we are offering a special 30% off discount coupon for Ulrich´s course. Please use the code: Ulrich30 in the cart section to get an instant 30% off.

Check out Ulrich Wild´s course “Mixing Rock with Ulrich Wild” here:

I hope you enjoy this episode!

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Prefer video? You can watch the studio tour on youtube here:

Have a marvellous time recording and mixing,


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