How do you deal with self-doubt when recording and mixing? | FAQ Friday

This week’s FAQ Friday is coming to you from Clay Blair’s studio, Boulevard Recording! There have been some incredible records made here! We have actually been here this week filming a Beatles recording course, which I am very excited about, so stay tuned for that!

The featured question from today’s video is this: “How do you deal with constant self doubt when recording and mixing? I am worried I will never be as good as these people I see on YouTube.”

I get asked this question a lot, in a lot of different ways, and these types of questions are exactly why I started doing this. I want to show you exactly what it is like to record and mix for a living and show you that we are all the same! Everyone doubts themselves sometimes, and that’s ok!

That is why I interview all these great people who have made great records – all kinds of mastering engineers, mixing engineers, producers, songwriters, and more. I want to be able to pull back a little bit of that veil and show you what it is actually like to do all of this for a living. A lot of the people you see on YouTube are doing that YouTube channel full time, which is why they appear perfect and why their videos are perfectly edited and the tracks they play are perfectly mixed.

Behind all of that though, they are far from perfect! And the same thing is true of professional engineers, producers, and everyone else in this industry. Even great ones like Bob Clearmountain are amazing when people tell him that they think he is one of the greatest mixers in the world! Everyone doubts themselves when they are working on projects.

Great music is born out of creativity and passion, so cut yourself some slack and just do your absolute best and make sure you are constantly working to learn more and get better at what you love doing! Remember that what you see online may not always be accurate. I do my absolute best to show you an accurate picture of what it is like to do this for a living because I want to you see it and fully understand what this industry is like! I am not focused on presented a perfect image or a perfect mix every time, but just want you to see that I love what I do and that I am showing you the most accurate presentation of my job possible!

Watch the video below for the full answer and answers to other FAQ’s as well!

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