How to avoid creative burnout & managing time in the studio (FAQ FRIDAY)

How to avoid creative burnout & managing time in the studio

There’s a lot this week about the business side of the music business. Not numbers, accounting and contracts- We talk about how to prevent from burning out creatively and physically and how to manage time when in the studio.

If you love this, which is the only reason to be in music. The ONLY reason! Do NOT get into the music industry if you want to make lots of money. You have to love this, and then make money as a consequence out of the hard work and the passion that you bring to this.

There is no flick of the switch and all of a sudden you’re super rich! The reality is: You need to be doing this because you love it. Do you really love the music industry? Do you love music? The music industry is hard work, but music- you have to love it.

What was your passion? What was the thing that made you want to do music? For me it was putting on a pair of head phones and listening to “A Night at The Opera” by Queen when I was a very young kid! I can remember that moment vividly. What was your moment? Why did you get into the music industry?

Watch How to avoid creative burnout & managing time in the studio (FAQ FRIDAY) to hear the answers to these questions!

• How do you prevent yourself from burning out creatively and physically while working with artists everyday?
• Where do you get all of your energy?
• How do you managed time when recording an album? Do you give the artists the number of days in the studio? What if they need more or less time?
• How do you turn down an artist or band that you don’t want to work with?
• I have a full time job, how many hours should I be spending mixing, recording and playing daily? How do people squeeze this into their days without being exhausted?

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