How to deal with a creative block in the studio | FAQ Friday


We’re back, I’m in black for another FAQ Friday!

As always we have a bunch of marvellous questions so let get stuck in!

Today’s featured question is “How do you deal with creative Blocks? How do you manage to keep it together and keep the creativity Flowing?”

I think I am blessed, like most creatives and artists I am a little A.D.D. If I’m not doing 5 things at once then I’m not doing anything in my mind.

I can’t just watch T.V. If the T.V. is on and it’s not an absolutely incredible movie then I will most likely be reading BBC News and looking up to watch a bit of the movie, maybe making notes.

I’m a note taker, if I like something or I’m intrigued by something I’ll make notes of it. I might not ever go back to the notes but by the act of making the notes, it makes it important.

It’s hard for me to not feel creative because I am always challenging myself. I remember being young and getting bored and I remember not liking feeling bored. That’s when I realized I needed to be doing a lot of stuff.

I think for me I always maintain creativity because I have lots of different ways I can express myself. I could watch a video and critique it, Read a blog and critique it, Write a blog, write an outline for something, write to people, answer emails, answer messages, but most importantly I don’t get bored because my idea of relaxing is playing guitar.

I’m a husband, Father and guitar player! Everything else comes from the fact that I play guitar.

In a day like today, where we’re working on a track and I get to play a couple of electric guitar parts, couple acoustic guitar parts, a baseline, as well as getting to film a video with Butch Walker. – that’s a perfect day for me.

For me, I’m always in the zone of music making and music appreciation. I listen to Spotify, listened to a few records today, someone recommended a new artist in the youtube comments so I went and checked them out.

I do read peoples comments as you know and if they have an interesting point to make or are talking about a new artist I will go check it out.

I’m always running online business stuff, but also always talking to an artist about production, listening to demos. Everything I do is about creating for me.

I know it’s difficult for some of you that want to be like me but also have full time jobs to pay your bills, all I can say is that when I did have a full-time job, (I worked in print for 3 – 4 years) I was obsessional about it and worked really really hard, made good money, and bought a house.

The whole time I was playing in bands and doing covers in the evening. When I got into my mid-early 20’s I went back full time as a musician and got another record deal.

I was always working in studios on my days off, sessions on my evenings it never stopped. There was a part of me that kicked in and thought I needed to have a job and make more money but I realized there was more to life than that.

I took that mindset and did music full time.

We cover the following questions during this episode of FAQ Friday!

• I’ve been seeing your ‘fool’ painted EB3 Bass Hanging on the wall for a few months or so. What is the Story about that? (1:15)
• How do you manage to run a studio, Academy, and A youtube Channel and Keep your sanity? You seem like a kind of person who doesn’t let any kind of stress bring you down. What is your way of dealing with it and what do you do when things dont go as planned? (3:36)
• I’m not sure if you have ever stated your opinion of Coaxial Monitors. Would like to know your take on them. (16:27)
• How do you deal with creative Blocks? How do you manage to keep it together and keep the creativity Flowing? (18:41)

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