Mixing Classic Rock Drums with Matthew Weiss

Mixing drums can be a daunting task and leave even the most tenured mixer feeling inadequate.  There can be as few as two mics to as many as a dozen or more that need to be blended together.  This task requires that we as mixers be able to listen both creatively and technically to the drum sounds, all while not losing sight of the sound of the song as a whole.  

Adding to this complication is the rise and fall of numerous trends of drum sounds that have ebbed and flowed throughout the years complementing the desires of various artists and industries.  Some time periods called for a very simple, but punctual technique all the way to others that are looking for updated drums sounds with effects and intricate drum parts. The skill required to be able to mix drums for a wide range of clients demands not only that the mixer have a huge knowledge of the basic physics of the drum kit but also be immensely creative and artistic. It is the seeming chasm between these two poles that leave most mixers scratching their heads.  

This video from Matthew Weiss will give you a quick start to get simple, classic rock drum sounds, but then also show you some small tweaks to add some of the “bells and whistles” that are flooding the radio stations. 

Have you checked out the course on recording drums that we made with Matthew Weiss? Engineer Matt Weiss and session & touring drummer Matt Starr (Mr. Big, Ace Frehley, Beautiful Creatures) teach you how to tune your drums, choose the best microphones and show you a wide variety of miking techniques and placements, so you can achieve a full, punchy and well-defined sound that fits your song.

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