Podcast #27: Aspen Pittman Interview

Hi Friends,

In today´s podcast I´m interviewing the marvellous Aspen Pittman. Aspen is an incredibly smart guy and his knowledge about gear and music equipment is outstanding.

He founded “Groove Tubes”, a company that was the top manufacturer for high quality tubes for many years. Their tubes have been the top choice to use in amps, microphones, preamps and any kind of equipment you can think of using tubes.
Aspen has also written the best book on tubes I ever read. It´s called: “The Book Of Tubes” and to my knowledge has sold over a 100 k copies. Impressive for a niche book!

Aside from all of these accomplishments, Aspen is just a passionate fan of music and all of the great gear that allows us to capture it. – Just like you and me!

In this interview, we´re talking about Jimmy Hendrix, Fender, Ampeg, and Aspen shows us his amazing collection of guitars, amps and microphones. 

We had a great time. I hope you enjoy the interview!

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Prefer video? You can watch the youtube version here:

Have a marvellous time recording and mixing,


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