Podcast #31: Jason Lehning Interview

Jason Lehning

Hi Friends, I hope you´re doing marvellously well!
In today´s podcast I´m interviewing the marvellous Jason Lehning out of Nashville.

Jason is an incredible musician and has a very broad skill-set: He´s a multi-instrumentalist, producer, engineer, mixers and composer!

I strongly believe that Jason is a great example for everyone trying to make a career in music these days:
With the music industry changing, productions moving more and more into home studio settings and music being made collaboratively by people from all over the world, it´s becoming more and more important to have a broad skill-set.

If you look up Jason´s credits you´ll see why: He´s regularly working on 12 + albums a year! And most of these artists and bands are really well known: Brad Paisley, Alison Krauss, George Jones, Erasure, Mat Kearney just to name a few.

Why is he able to get so much work and able to build up his credits through various genres and styles?
Because he can do anything! One one record, he´ll play keys, on another he´ll record and mix and do songwriting on the next.

Jason is a great guy, highly talented and very down to earth. So let´s dive right in! I hope you enjoy the interview!

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You can listen to the podcast on Itunes here. 

Prefer video? Check out the youtube version of this interview!

Have a marvellous time recording and mixing,


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