The Incredible Story of Riccardo Damian (Mark Ronson, Lady Gaga, Adele)

Yet another incredibly inspiring story today from Italian producer, Riccardo Damian who only has a few names like… Mark Ronson, Adele, Lady Gaga to his name.

It is amazing to sit and talk with young producers who work hard and network through the industry. It is what it is all about.

I put a “short” up today about this very thing – it is about people. Your skills with people are so incredibly important.

About Riccardo Damian

Riccardo first approached music at the age of 6, when his mother encouraged him to take a few guitar lessons. Despite nobody been fond of music in his family, playing an instrument became the most important thing of his life. Only 7 years later, when Riccardo’s music teacher at school lent him a CD by the British band Queen – was the moment when he realized what music was.

He approached the audio engineering world at the age of 13, when Riccardo went to a home studio to record his band’s songs for the first time. After spending five minutes in the control room he knew that was exactly what he wanted to do with his life. So Riccardo joined the studio as assistant engineer.

Two years later he managed to become assistant engineer at Magister Recording Area, one of the best studios in North-Italy. He took part in many projects, some of them being major label productions including multi-platinum Mexican artist Yahir.

In late 2012, Riccardo moved to London to attend the SAE Institute where he graduated in 2014. During those two years he had the privilege to work as Assistant Engineer in studios such as Red Bull Studios, Orgone Studios, RPL studios, etc.

Right after graduating he started his career path working for music producer Mark Ronson in the position of In-House Audio Engineer, taking part on major projects featuring N.1 Hit Singles, Platinum awarded and Grammy-nominated records.

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