Show Us Your Studio Setup!

Hey Friends,

Last week I posted a video stating that creativity is king:

As technology has developed over the past few years, everyone is now able to make amazing music using really inexpensive equipment. You have all the tools you need at your disposal, what it comes down to is your creativity, intuition and a great performance.

Music is not made by fancy gear, it´s made by talented musicians, artists and producers. – Creativity is king!

You can share your music online and build a fanbase without ever having a record deal. 
I call it the “democratisation of music”. – And it´s amazing!

To celebrate the freedom that we have in today´s world of music, I think it would be great if we all shared our the setups and the equipment we use to record and produce music.

So show us what you´re working with:

Record a short video showing off your studio setup and attach songs you´ve produced, recorded and mixed on it.

Don´t be afraid if your setup is not “advanced” or “professional”: Some of the most successful producers and engineers are regularly making great records on minimal setups. 

You can make amazing music on any setup. – Let´s show it off!

Please head over to our Produce Like A Pro Facebook Page to share your studio tours and songs.
You´ll find a post: “Show us your studio setup!” 
You can post your studio tours in the comments section below this post.

Let´s all share our experiences, learn from and help each other out. I´m excited to see your studio setups!

We´re also going to make compilation videos, showcasing your setups and featuring the songs you´ve produced on our youtube channel.

If you would like your studio tour and song to be featured in the compilation videos, please send us a private message on Facebook and include your studio tour and one of your songs. – But also make sure to post them in the comment section! This is about building a community and helping each other out.

Have a marvellous time recording and mixing,


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