Thank you to this AMAZING community! | Giveaway & FAQ Friday

400K Giveaway750

Today is FAQ Friday, but we have something extra special for you all today as well!

We now have 400,ooo subscribers on YouTube! This is absolutely incredible, and we want to say thank you to each and every one of you for your support and for helping us create this amazing community!

To celebrate, we are doing a giveaway! Thank you so much to Sweetwater for sponsoring this giveaway and allowing us to give away these amazing prizes!

In this giveaway, we have a pair of Blue Mix-Fi headphones, an Austrian Audio Oc18 large diaphragm condenser microphone, an Audient ID4, a pair of Kali Lp-6’s, and a Yamaha Revstar RS320 guitar!

These are great pieces of gear, and they are also things that I actually use every single day! I have an Audient ID4, and it is great, we run everything through it. Audient is a great company with great people and great products, and we love the gear we have from them! I also have a pair of Kali LP-6’s which I use all the time, they are fantastic speakers and are my go-to when I am mixing. I also have a Yamaha Revstar RS320, which I was actually playing just minutes before starting to record this video!

These are incredible prizes, so make sure you enter for your chance to win! Each prize is its own giveaway, so you have 5 chances to win!

Check out the video below to learn more about our giveaway, and to hear some FAQ Friday questions!

Thank you all again for helping us reach 400,000 subscribers! This YouTube channel was something I started about 5 years ago, to do in between making records. When I went on YouTube, I found that while there were people who had professional YouTube channels that were showing people how to make music, I couldn’t find any of the music these people were making! There didn’t seem to be anyone who was making records in addition to their channels, so we wanted to see if we could fill that gap. We wanted to come on and share tips and review gear and help other people make records. We never could have expected such an overwhelming response! So THANK YOU!

Thank you for being such a supportive community, for leaving your comments and engaging with us, and for helping and supporting each other, as well!

Check out the video below to learn more about our giveaway, and to hear some FAQ Friday questions!

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