iZotope Neoverb: The Smartest Reverb Plugin?


We have a brand new plugin today share with you today: the iZotope Neoverb! iZotope has some very clever plugins, so I am very excited to see what they have done with their latest release!

Before we go any further though, iZotope has also given us THREE copies of the Neoverb to give away! Enter below for your chance to win one!

iZotope describes the Neoverb as “the smartest reverb for music making”. This plugin includes a real-time reverb assistant that will guide you in selecting and blending reverbs for whatever you need. And not only are they going to help you with the reverb, but they are going to take some of the EQ-ing into account. So if I feed a vocal, or a drum, etc. into it, it will rebalance the reverb EQ as well as what it thinks is the right length of time for the source material. This way, it doesn’t create build up in certain frequencies.

The AI-powered EQ section within Neoverb listens to your audio, and helps you avoid artifacts, mud, and masking. When you are using the AI assistant, you can choose which sound you want: clean, dark, bright, or airy, and the assistant will listen to your source and adjust accordingly. You can, of course, adjust things afterwards, but the AI assistant gives you a fantastic starting point.

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This plugin is going to be great for just giving things a little bit more room. When you are using virutal instruments, for example, one of the biggest issues is that everything is super dry and a little too perfect, but with the Neoverb, you can really give your virtual instruments some room and make it so there is something unique to listen to. I think that sound designers in particular are going to love this, but it is also going to be a great tool for mixers!

Watch the video below to see the iZotope Neoverb in action! Don’t forget to scroll up and enter for your chance to win one of three copies!

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