Mixing Modern Rock with David Gnozzi!

David Gnozzi Modern Rock750

In today’s video we are chatting with David Gnozzi about the brand new course he just released over at Pro Mix Academy!

Mixing Modern Rock with David Gnozzi is an amazing course that will show you how to achieve hard hitting rock mixes on a hybrid set up. David says that this is perhaps the most comprehensive course he has ever done, and is very different from his others.

David Gnozzi is an award-winning engineer with over 20 years of experience recording and mixing. Before dedicating himself to mixing full-time in 2010, David was a professional musician, and released 2 albums.

In 2014, David started the popular YouTube channel, MixbusTV. MixbusTV quickly became on of the most trusted and respected mix and mastering channels, and is known for its detailed and technical reviews of pro audio hardware and software.

To make this course, he recorded the actual mixing process for a mix that he did for a client, which was a band called Stonebreed, which is a really cool rock and roll band. Because this is real mix that David did for an actual client, you will see his entire mixing process – including the things he tried that didn’t work! As he goes through the mixing process, you will see him trying different plugins or pieces of hardware, and as he goes along he will explain why certain things did not work and why he decided to go with something else.

When he mixes, David uses a hybrid mixing approach. In this course you will learn how to use just a few pieces of hardware to add warmth and saturation to your digital mixes to make them feel larger than life.

Click here to get Mixing Modern Rock with David Gnozzi!

Watch the video below to learn more about David’s course, as well as hear him talk about his new studio!

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