Audio Engineering

Mastering Music with Howie Weinberg

Mastering music with Howie Weinberg
Comments (7)
  1. Jay Peters says:

    Top Stuff, Thanks for your time Howie!… Looking forward to the Rubidium comparison episode 🙂

    1. Warren Huart says:

      Hi @disqus_6ryfFEYUiK:disqus yes, thanks Howie for this great interview! Have a marvellous time recording and mixing, many thanks Warren

  2. I’m knocked out. Howie has done thousands of records with hundreds of gold and platinum albums and is still excited about what he does. That is truly inspirational! He fuckin’ rocks!!!! Please do a follow-up and ask him what he wants to hear in a mix that he receives. That would be really helpful for me and I’m sure all the academy members. Thank you Warren, you fuckin’ rock!

    1. Warren Huart says:

      Thanks @plap-disqus-2e65f2f2fdaf6c699b223c61b1b5ab89:disqus I agree! Howie’s resume is incredible! Yes, it is amazing that Howie still has such an amazing passion for what he does! Have a marvellous time recording and mixing, many thanks Warren

  3. Billy McCormack says:

    Wow! That’s amazing! Howie has had his hands on so much incredible music! He’s mastered probably 80% of what I listened to in the 80’s and 90’s – when music was great, imho! Thanks Warren! This was truly inspiring! And I just started using that Slate Virtual Tape Machine and I love it! I think you will as well. Cheers!

  4. aka says:

    You’ve found another great one Wazza, Howie Weinberg a legend in NY mastering, down to earth, no bullshit, he has mastered some of the great records of our modern times. A very unassuming man, if you ran ito him in the street, you’d think he was from the teamsters Union. Lovelly man. thanks Howie.

  5. Darin Smith says:

    Wow.That was absolutely great to watch.I couldn’t take my eyes and ears off for a single moment.Listening to the master himself and he is so god damn cool.That was so inspiring for me to hear about all that crazy gear he has and the storys behind.I could listen for days

    Warren, thanx for that great viedeo.Cheers.

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